Dessert Data
A love for ingesting data

Connected Apps

⚙️ Report Format

Select the fields you want to include in your reports.

The date associated with each metric.

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The month associated with each metric.

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The campaign id associated with each metric.

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The name of your campaign.

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The number of times your ad was shown.

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The number of times your ad was clicked.

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Click Through Rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks to impressions.

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Average Cost Per Click (CPC) is the average amount you pay for each click.

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The amount you spent on advertising.

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The number of conversions.

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Conversion Rate is the ratio of conversions to clicks.

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Cost Per Conversion is the average amount you pay for each conversion.

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The amount of revenue generated.

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Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is a measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.

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🔌 Data Sources

Google Ads

Enter your Manager (MCC) ID

Google Ads requires an MCC for an external connection. This will connect all of the associated accounts under the MCC. If you don't have an MCC, you can create one in your Google Ads account.

2. Connect your Google Ads account

Facebook Ads (new)

Locate your Facebook Ad Account ID on the Facebook ads manager dashboard URL

2. Connect to Facebook


1. Locate your Customer ID and Account ID are found in the Bing Ads dashboard URL
2. Connect Bing

Mongo DB (experimental)

contact [email protected] to enable

Identify a field on each collection that can be used to identify records since the last sync.Collections without an update field are limited to 1000 rows

🌐 Data Destinations


1. Map your Google Cloud Project ID
2. Connect BigQuery


1. Connect Google Sheets
2. Open Spreadsheet

After the initial sync, you can open the spreadsheet to view and edit the data.

(Not yet connected)